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  • Solução de gestão de segurança Algosec | Algosec

    Solução de gestão de segurança Algosec Bem-vindo! Administrar sua política de segurança de rede em firewalls locais e controles de segurança na nuvem é um delicado ato de equilíbrio. Por um lado, é preciso reduzir o risco, minimizando a superfície de ataque; por outro, deve-se viabilizar a produtividade ao prover conectividade para suas aplicações comerciais críticas. No entanto, processos de administração de política de segurança de rede sempre foram complexos, demorados e cheio de erros. Não precisa ser assim. No local e na nuvem, a AlgoSec simplifica e automatiza a administração de política de segurança de rede para tornar sua empresa mais ágil, mais segura e mais compatível, o tempo todo. Uma abordagem única de ciclo de vida para a administração de Política de Segurança AlgoSec é única no que tange a administração de todo o ciclo de vida da política de segurança para garantir uma conectividade contínua e segura para seus aplicativos comerciais. Através de um único painel de vidro você pode detectar automaticamente os requisitos de conectividade de aplicativos, fazer uma análise de risco proativa e rapidamente planejar e executar alterações na segurança da rede e desativar com segurança as regras do firewall, todos isso sem contato físico e orquestrado de maneira transparente em seu ambiente heterogêneo. Com AlgoSec você pode Unificar a administração de política de segurança de rede em ambientes heterogêneos de nuvem, em ambientes definidos por software e locais Garantir a conformidade contínua e reduzir drasticamente os esforços de preparação de auditoria de firewall Prover conectividade para aplicativos de forma rápida e segura, e evitar interrupções relacionadas com a rede Alinhar equipes de segurança, de rede e de aplicações, e adotar DevSecOps Automatizar a administração de alterações no firewall e eliminar erros de configuração Reduzir o risco através da configuração correta de segurança e segmentação eficaz de rede A Solução de Gestão de Segurança AlgoSec Análise de Política de Segurança de Rede Mais informações Firewall Analyzer Automação de Mudanças de Política de Segurança Mais informações FireFlow Calculadora ROI Brochura de Soluções AlgoSec Representante local Test name Phone: +55-11-991068906 Email: [email protected] Algosec Korea 정욱 이사 (Sales Engineer) Phone: +82-10-9953-5717 Email: [email protected] Links relevantes TELEFONICA Estudo de Caso NATURA Estudo de Caso AlgoSec Para LGPD Choose a better way to manage your network

  • State of cloud security: Concerns, challenges, and incidents - AlgoSec

    State of cloud security: Concerns, challenges, and incidents E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Request a quote | AlgoSec

    Your investment is our investment. If we don't meet your expectations, you'll get your money back. It's as simple as that. Request your custom quote One of our experts will get back to you shortly "The solution is incredibly powerful and has directly translated into the highest level of security and compliance." "Deploying AlgoSec is a good way to put IT and business people around the table and work on a common platform.” "It now takes us half the time to deploy firewall changes. It also provides us with intelligence that reduces human error and risk" "We reduced implementation time of deployments, migrations, and decommissions - from months to minutes" © 2004-2024 All rights reserved by AlgoSec

  • Security center | AlgoSec

    AlgoSec security center AlgoSec prioritizes the security of our products and solutions throughout their entire life cycle. We employ rigorous security practices during development using automatic and manual procedures. These practices include comprehensive threat and risk analysis, adherence to security standards, and regular testing to identify and address vulnerabilities. Our applications undergo complete penetration testing by reputable third-party vendors to ensure their security. See AlgoSec SaaS Services – Security Practices . Data security and security practices Product security Security is a core part of our product development activity. During the development of a new product or feature, we conduct a comprehensive threat and risk analysis, and create a specific security requirement for the product/feature and its integration into a complete solution. During the design phase and before release, we ensure product security by comprehensive testing (vulnerability assessment and penetration tests) using OWASP security standards. All security updates, patches or upgrades undergo the same rigorous tests, and are only deployed once they are proven to be secure. Pen Tests include: We proactively scan our products using industry-standard tools for vulnerabilities on a nightly basis: On-premises ASMS solution SaaS services AlgoSec website AlgoSec Customer Portal On-premises ASMS solution is scanned by three commercial vulnerability scanners Dynamic web application scanning follows the OWASP methodology (DAST). Our SaaS offerings are scanned continuously by AlgoSec CloudFlow and AlgoSec Prevasio At AlgoSec, we are dedicated to adhering to regulatory compliance requirements and industry standards to ensure the utmost security. We have implemented robust security measures and practices to mitigate risks and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. We continually strive to stay at the forefront of security technologies and best practices to provide you with the highest level of protection. Our security center is designed to provide you with comprehensive information and resources to understand our commitment to safeguarding your data and protecting your business. Overview Certifications ISO/IEC 27001:2013 & ISO/IEC 27017:2015 AlgoSec is certified for the ISO/IEC 27001 standard which outlines the best practices for information security management systems. Download ISO 27001 Certificate SOC 2 Type II Report AlgoSec has been certified following a SOC 2 Type II audit conducted by an independent service auditor. This audit evaluates the design, implementation, and effectiveness of the controls we have in place for our products. It ensures that our security practices align with the criteria of security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. During the audit period, tests of controls were performed on controls as they existed and were applied to those controls relating to in-scope trust services criteria. The audit covered all the controls pertaining to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of AlgoSec. A copy of the AlgoSec SOC 2 Security, Availability, Confidentiality & Privacy Report is available to customers, partners and evaluators here: AlgoSec Portal AlgoSec holds multiple certifications, demonstrating our firm commitment to top-tier security. We strive to comply with and maintain high-quality standards in line with globally recognized frameworks. These include: AlgoSec understands the importance of confidentiality and privacy in protecting customers’ data. We have established policies and procedures to ensure the privacy of your information and comply with applicable data protection regulations such as GDPR. AlgoSec has established policies and procedures to demonstrate GDPR compliance. You can find detailed information about our privacy practices in our Privacy Notice . Questions regarding our privacy may be addressed at [email protected] . Privacy Security advisories List of CVEs published against AlgoSec products: Improper input validation in FireFlow’s VisualFlow workflow editor CVE-2023-46596 Reference: Advisory Severity: 5.1 Medium Issue date: 2024-02-15 Updated on: 2024-02-15 Net-NTLM leak via HTML injection in FireFlow VisualFlow workflow editor CVE-2023-46595 Reference: Advisory Severity: 5.9 Medium Issue date: 2023-11-02 Updated on: 2023-11-16 AlgoSec–FireFlow Reflected Cross-Site-Scripting (RXSS) CVE-2022-36783 Reference: ​ Severity: 5.4 Medium Issue date: 2022-10-25 Updated on: 2022-10-27 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in AlgoSec FireFlow 6.3-b230 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a user signature to SelfService/Prefs.html. CVE-2014-4164 Reference: ​ Severity: 4.3 Medium Issue date: 2014-06-16 Updated on: 2015-12-04 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in BusinessFlow/login in AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer 6.4 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the message parameter. CVE-2013-7318 Reference: ​ Severity: 4.3 Medium Issue date: 2014-01-29 Updated on: 2014-08-06 Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in afa/php/Login.php in AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer 6.1-b86 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the PATH_INFO. CVE-2013-5092 Reference: ​ Severity: 4.3 Medium Issue date: 2014-01-29 Updated on: 2014-08-06 Reporting vulnerabilities to AlgoSec If you discover a security vulnerability in our systems, we encourage you to responsibly disclose it to us through the provided reporting process. Your efforts play a crucial role in our ongoing commitment to prioritize the security of our products and solutions throughout their entire life cycle. AlgoSec takes security concerns seriously and works diligently to resolve reported issues with utmost urgency. We proactively scan our products using industry-standard tools for vulnerabilities on a nightly basis: On-premises ASMS solution SaaS services AlgoSec website AlgoSec Customer Portal On-premises ASMS solution is scanned by three commercial vulnerability scanners Dynamic web application scanning follows the OWASP methodology (DAST). Our SaaS offerings are scanned continuously by AlgoSec CloudFlow and AlgoSec Prevasio On-prem Security: FAQs AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. What is Firewall Analyzer? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. Can I analyze my firewall rules? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. Does Firewall Analyzer work with Cisco? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. What are the main uses of a firewall monitoring tool? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. Can I analyze my firewall’s configuration? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. Can I monitor my firewall changes? SaaS Security: AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. What is Firewall Analyzer? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. Can I analyze my firewall rules? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. Does Firewall Analyzer work with Cisco? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. What are the main uses of a firewall monitoring tool? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. Can I analyze my firewall’s configuration? AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. Can I monitor my firewall changes? Select a size Certifications Overview Privacy Data security and security practices Product security Security advisories Reporting vulnerabilities to AlgoSec FAQs Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Security risk and compliance | AlgoSec

    Security risk and compliance Get a Demo Watch a video Do you struggle with AlgoSec’s business-driven approach to security policy management helps MSSPs attract, onboard and retain customer Understanding and assessing risk in your firewall policies? Tying network risks and vulnerabilities to business applications? Time-consuming audits due to poorly understood and documented rulesets? Enforcing and maintaining effective network segmentation? Maintaining a clean and optimized network security policy that reduces the attack surface? Ensuring the network operations team manages changes in accordance with the security policy? AlgoSec’s business-driven approach to network security policy management enables you to mitigate risk and ensure continuous compliance across your enterprise. s. Through its intelligent automation, AlgoSec’s security policy management solution uniquely helps align business agility with security to make your customers more secure, more compliant and more agile all the time. Using AlgoSec, MSSPs can command higher margins on network security policy management services, offer additional value-add services to customers and quickly become experts in any environment. With AlgoSec you can Generate audit-ready reports for all major regulations, including PCI, HIPAA, SOX, NERC and many others, at a click of a button Provide a single pane of glass for unified network security policy management across cloud and on-premise networks Proactively assess every policy change request for risk and compliance violations before it is implemented Intelligently automate network security changes to reduce risk of device misconfiguration Automatically discover risky traffic flows Safely remove firewall rules when business applications are decommissioned without impacting other applications The Business Impact Reduce the attack surface to help prevent cyber-attacks Reduce the costs and risks of regulatory and internal audits Ensure continuous compliance Provide unified visibility across the enterprise Resources Learn from the experts. Get the latest industry insights Managing Risk and Vulnerabilities in a Business Context Read Blog Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Increasing Cisco ACI adoption with AlgoSec - AlgoSec

    Increasing Cisco ACI adoption with AlgoSec E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network


    ALGOSEC CLOUD E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Infrastructure-As-Code: Application Risk Check Analysis Datasheet - AlgoSec

    Infrastructure-As-Code: Application Risk Check Analysis Datasheet E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • AlgoSec Adds Distribution in North America with the Appointment of Fine Tec

    AlgoSec Adds Distribution in North America with the Appointment of Fine Tec Boston, MA – AlgoSec, the market leader for Security Policy Management, today announced an agreement with value-added distributor Fine Tec, based in San Jose, Calif. 11 June 2013 Speak to one of our experts Boston, MA – AlgoSec , the market leader for Security Policy Management, today announced an agreement with value-added distributor Fine Tec, based in San Jose, Calif. With a strong emphasis on crafting network security solutions, Fine Tec’s distribution channel of resellers will bring well-seasoned expertise and provide organizations with visibility and control of complex security policies via the AlgoSec Security Management Suite. “We see our partnership with AlgoSec as a strategic development that extends and deepens our business in North America,” said James Shen, President, Fine Tec. “Network security complexity continues to increase and more organizations are looking for the solutions to simplify management and in turn improve their security and their ability to respond to the needs of the business.” The AlgoSec Security Management Suite delivers an automated and application-centric solution for managing complex policies across firewalls, routers, switches, secure web gateways and more to improve both security and business agility. The AlgoSec Suite bridges traditional gaps between security, network and application teams by combining AlgoSec BusinessFlow , FireFlow and Firewall Analyzer to streamline security operations and change management, ensure continuous compliance, maximize application availability and service delivery, and deliver a tighter security policy that offers better protection against cyber-attacks. Following its eighth consecutive year of sales growth, AlgoSec’s continued success in 2013 is marked by impressive worldwide customer adoption of the AlgoSec Security Management Suite , now used by more than 1000 organizations, including 15 of the Fortune 50 and 43 of the Forbes 100 list of global companies. Recently, AlgoSec was awarded 5 out of 5 stars by CRN, for offering solution providers the best possible partnering elements for channel success. “With this distribution agreement in place in North America, we can immediately and significantly expand our channel base,” said Neil McNamara, GM North America, AlgoSec. “Fine Tec will enable us to enhance and extend our ability to deliver professional services and training around the AlgoSec Suite and ultimately scale our efforts to grow the business in 2013 and beyond.” To become an AlgoSec reseller sourcing from Fine Tec, contact [email protected] . About AlgoSec AlgoSec is the market leader for security policy management, enabling organizations to manage security at the speed of business. The AlgoSec Suite of products automates management of complex policies across firewalls, routers, switches, secure web gateways and more. Bridging traditional gaps between security, network and application teams, the AlgoSec Suite improves business agility, increases security and ensures continuous compliance. More than 1000 of the world’s leading organizations , including 15 of the Fortune 50, rely on AlgoSec for faster security provisioning of business applications, simplified security operations and improved protection against cyber-attacks. AlgoSec is committed to the success of every single customer, and offers the industry’s only money-back guarantee . For more information, visit Online Resources: • Hear from AlgoSec Customers • Visit the AlgoSec blog, Security Management at the Speed of Business • Follow us on Twitter • Like us on Facebook • Find us on YouTube • Follow us on Linkedin About Fine Tec Fine Tec is a Value Added Distributor that brings channel partners together with leading solutions specializing in network security and data integrity products. Fine Tec has been proudly serving channel partners since 2000 by providing personalized services in all aspects of sales every step of the way. With a focused and selective product line, Fine Tec aims to provide in-depth knowledge and support for all partners. More information about Fine Tec is available online at .

  • Government | AlgoSec

    Government Get a Demo Watch a video Government entities hold vast amounts of information that are worth a lot if it falls in the wrong hands. Therefore, with most of its information now digitalized, government networks are now the one of the most targeted in the world. Moreover, in recent years Government institutions are catching up with the rest of the industry and rolling out digital transformation initiations across complex hybrid cloud networks that include traditional and next-generation firewalls deployed on-premise and cloud security controls. But the complexity of these networks makes it difficult to see what’s going on, process changes, asses risk and ensure compliance with the multitude of regulations that government organizations are required to comply with. Business-Driven Security Policy Management for Government AlgoSec’s unique, business-driven approach to security management enables government institutions to align security policy management with their business initiatives and processes, and make them more agile, more secure and more compliant. With AlgoSec you can Automate the entire security policy management process – with zero-touch Manage the entire enterprise environment through a single pane of glass Proactively assess the risk of every change before it is implemented Automate firewall auditing and ensure continuous compliance with industry regulations, including NIST and FISMA Automatically discover, map and migrate application connectivity through easy-to-use workflows Built-in support for AWS, Microsoft Azure, Cisco ACI and VMware NSX The Business Impact Get consistent, unified security management across any heterogeneous network environment Deploy applications faster by automating network security change management processes Avoid lack of communication between disparate teams (security, networking, business owners). Migrate application connectivity to the cloud quickly and easily Reduce the costs and efforts of firewall auditing and ensure continuous compliance Facilitate effective communication between security teams and application owners Resources Learn from the experts. Get the latest industry insights Business-driven security management for local governments Read PDF Business-driven security management for the federal governments Read PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Regulations and compliance for the data center – A Day in the Life - AlgoSec

    Regulations and compliance for the data center – A Day in the Life E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • SaaS SLA - AlgoSec

    SaaS SLA E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

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