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  • Cisco | Algosec

    Безопасное подключение приложений. В любом месте. Автоматизируйте подключение приложений и политику безопасности в вашей гибридной сети, чтобы вы могли действовать быстро и оставаться в безопасности. Получить демо-версию Watch a video Получите полную видимость Визуализация всей сетевой инфраструктуры и управление политиками безопасности в традиционных сетях, публичных и частных облаках. Поиск, идентификация, и определение бизнес-приложений в масштабах всей сети. Всегда в соответствии с требованиями регуляторов Настройте автоматические отчеты и существенно сократите время, необходимое для подготовки к аудиту. «Соответствие» – это комплекс мер, который делается не в момент прихода аудиторов. Производите изменения автоматизировано и безопасно Исключите ошибки конфигурации за счет автоматизации процесса изменения сетевых политик безопасности – от планирования и анализа рисков, до применения и валидации. Получите контроль над всеми сетевыми политиками безопасности Schnelle, sichere Bereitstellung von Applikationen und effiziente Verwaltung von Security-Richtlinien für Public Clouds, Private Clouds, Container und On-Premises-Netzwerke Более 1800 компаний по всему миру доверяют нам, начиная с 2004 года Получить демо-версию Найдите более удобный способ управлять сетью

  • AlgoSec ObjectFlow - AlgoSec

    AlgoSec ObjectFlow E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Firewall analyzer | Visualise & manage hybrid networks

    Visualize & manage hybrid networks Discover, identify, and map business applications across your entire hybrid network. Get a Demo Watch a video Instantly visualize your entire hybrid network security topology – in the cloud, on-premises, and everything in between. Understand the impact of network security policies on traffic, quickly troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes, and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Visualize your entire network Learn more Firewall rules support applications or processes that require network connectivity to and from specific servers, users, and networks. With AppViz, automatically associate the relevant business applications that each firewall rule supports, enabling you to review the firewall rules quickly and easily. Connect applications to security policy rules Learn more Never misplace an application on your network with new AI-powered and enhanced application discovery. Leverage advanced AI to identify your business applications, their utilized resources, and network connectivity accurately. Optimize the discovery of applications and services Learn more Visualize & analyze your network Master micro-segmentation. Define and enforce network segmentation throughout your entire hybrid network. Be confident that your network security policies don’t violate your network segmentation strategy. Micro-segment successfully Learn more Get the answers to your network security policies in plain English. Use AlgoBot, an intelligent chatbot that assists with change management processes. Reduce ticket resolution time by giving other parts of your organization the tools they need to get immediate answers. Clear answers in clear language Find out more about AlgoBot Identify compliance gaps across your entire hybrid network, so you can stay continuously in compliance. Identify exactly which application and security policy is potentially non-compliant. Always be ready for audits with compliance reports covering leading regulations and custom corporate policies. Always be compliant Learn more Identify risky security policy rules, the assets they expose, and if they’re in use. Prioritize risk based on what your business values most — the applications powering your network. Identify risky rules Learn more ​ Less risk, complete compliance Clean up and optimize your security policy. Uncover unused, duplicate, overlapping,or expired rules, consolidate and reorder rules, and tighten overly permissive “ANY” rules -- without impacting business requirements. Map, clean up and reduce risk Learn more Automation is only one piece of a robust security policy.See how our full solution suite completes the picture. End-to-end security management Security policy you can see Firewall Analyzer Discover, identify, and map business applications across your entire hybrid network. Learn more AlgoSec Cloud Effortless cloud management Security management across the multi-cloud and multi-vendor estate. Learn more Equip yourself with the technical details to discuss with your team and managers Ready for a deep dive? Learn more Got everything you need? Here’s how you get started How to buy Learn more Get the conversation started by sharing it with your team Solution brochure Learn more Take a deep breath. You’re about to dive deep! Tech docs Watch the video "I found the product to be the best rule review solution in the market What they say about us Manager Get the latest insights from the experts Business factors driving selection of NSPM solutions Read white paper Firewall audit checklist Read white paper AlgoSec application discovery - enhance the discovery of your network applications Read solution brochure AlgoSec’s Firewall Analyzer enables you to instantly visualize your entire hybrid, by pulling pulls information from a wide range of devices and providing you network security topology. Firewall Analyzer helps you assess the impact of network security policies on traffic, troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform “what-if” traffic queries. Firewall Analyzer seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next generation firewalls and cloud security controls as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies. What is Firewall Analyzer? Firewall Analyzer rule management enables the process of optimizing firewall rules by identifying and removing redundant firewall rules, aligning firewall rule policies with government and industry regulations and preventing inappropriate firewall rule modifications. Firewall Analyzer discovers and prioritizes all risks and their associated rules and associated applications in your network security policy. Can I analyze my firewall rules? Firewall Analyzer provides pre-populated, audit-ready compliance reports with an overview of events and changes associated with a firewall. Firewall Analyzer automatically analyzes the existing device rule base to identify unused, duplicate or expired rules and then provides recommendations to remove, reorder or consolidate similar rules. Firewall Analyzer optimizes firewall rulesets. Does Firewall Analyzer work with Cisco? The main use of a firewall monitoring tool is to ensure full network visibility. Firewall Analyzer provides you a unified view of all the applications, services and their connectivity flows within an enterprise computer network. What are the main uses of a firewall monitoring tool? Firewall Analyzer includes firewall analysis tools to help you to identify enterprise applications, services and connectivity flows to track events and policy changes in order to clean up and optimize firewall configuration and maintain compliance standards. Can I analyze my firewall’s configuration? Firewall Analyzer provides pre-populated, audit-ready compliance reports with an overview of events and changes associated with a firewall. Firewall Analyzer automatically analyzes the existing device rule base to identify unused, duplicate or expired rules and then provides recommendations to remove, reorder or consolidate similar rules. Firewall Analyzer optimizes firewall rulesets. ​ Can I monitor my firewall changes? FAQ Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Zero trust container analysis system - AlgoSec

    Zero trust container analysis system E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Partner solution brief AlgoSec & Zscaler - AlgoSec

    Partner solution brief AlgoSec & Zscaler E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Prevasio Network Security | AlgoSec

    Cloud network topology aware Cloud network configuration and security policy across the multi-cloud estate Get a Demo Watch a video Gain visibility into your cloud applications and their dependencies. Never miss a critical app or connection again. AI Powered applications discovery Learn more Manage all your security groups, firewalls, and network policies across clouds, accounts, and regions from one place. Reduce errors and save time with consistent security policies that protect your entire infrastructure. Central management of security policies Watch video Lock down your cloud with flexible security & powerful risk detection. Get 150+ checks for total network protection. Focus on the threats that matter most to your business. Reduce cloud-network security risks exposure Watch video Identify and mitigate over 150 network related risks in the cloud Clean up your network security policies for improved performance and stronger protection. Our solution helps you identify unnecessary rules, tighten access controls, and ensure your network is running at its best. Reduce cloud attack surface Watch video Get the latest insights from the experts Unveiling best practices for a resilient cloud security strategy Read More AlgoSec named Outperformer in GigaOm Radar report Download now The power of double-layered protection across your cloud estate Learn more Choose a better way to manage your network

  • The network security policy management lifecycle | AlgoSec

    The network security policy management lifecycle Yes, AlgoSec supports continuous compliance monitoring. As organizations adapt their security policies to meet emerging threats and address new vulnerabilities, they must constantly verify these changes against the compliance frameworks they subscribe to. ​ Can AlgoSec be used for continuous compliance monitoring? Select a size Which network Get the latest insights from the experts Choose a better way to manage your network


    Dimension Data Enhances Delivery Of Managed Security Services With AlgoSec Organization DIMENSION DATA Industry Technology Headquarters Australia Download case study Share Customer success stories "We were fortunate enough to get a double benefit from using AlgoSec in our environment — reducing costs to serve our clients, and expanding our service offerings" IT Solution Provider Streamlines and Automates Security Operations for Clients AlgoSec Business Impact Generate incremental revenue from new policy compliance management services Reduce cost of service for Managed Security Service offering Improve quality of service, assuring a direct and timely response to security issues Background Dimension Data, founded in 1983 and headquartered in Africa, provides global specialized IT services and solutions to help their clients plan, build, support and manage their IT infrastructures. The company serves over 6,000 clients in 58 countries and in all major industry verticals. Dimension Data serves 79% of the Global Fortune Top 100 and 63% of the Global Fortune 500. Challenge In an effort to bring greater efficiency and flexibility, Dimension Data Australia sought to apply security industry best practices and streamlined processes to its delivery methodology. Automation was identified as a key capability that would enable them to reduce service costs and increase quality of service. “The operational management of security infrastructure is quite labor intensive,” remarks Martin Schlatter, Security Services Product Manager at Dimension Data. “The principle reasons for automating managed services are reducing work time, freeing up people for other tasks, and leveraging expertise that is ‘built in’ the automated tool.” By doing this Dimension Data could offer better service to existing clients while expanding their client base. “Additionally, the increased appetite for the Managed Security Services offering has been fueled by an increasing focus on governance, risk management and compliance, and we are expected to deliver faster and more accurate visibility of the security and compliance posture of the network,” explains Schlatter. Solution Dimension Data selected the AlgoSec Security Management Solution as a part of their toolset to deliver their Managed Security Services, which include automated and fully integrated operational management of client security infrastructures. The intelligent automation at the heart of AlgoSec will enable Dimension Data’s team to easily and effectively perform change monitoring, risk assessment, compliance verification and policy optimization for their clients, and act upon the findings quickly. This includes getting rid of unused or obsolete rules in the policy, reordering rules to increase performance and identifying risky rules. Another key factor in the decision making process was the relationship between Dimension Data and AlgoSec. “AlgoSec was deemed most suitable to meet our delivery needs for Managed Services. We selected them for their specific technology fit, and flexibility to assist in growing our managed service business. The partnership element was eventually the overriding factor,” says Schlatter. Results With AlgoSec, Dimension Data is now able to deliver their clients a comprehensive view of the security posture of their network security devices. This is crucial to establishing a baseline understanding of a security network, which makes it possible to truly assess and remediate risks, errors and inefficiencies. The ability to automatically provide this type of information at the most accurate level provides a key competitive differentiator for the company and a large benefit for its clients. “The value-added contribution is saving time, in terms of automation,” remarked Schlatter. “We found a way to reduce costs by automating manual operational tasks. At the same time, we were fortunate enough to leverage AlgoSec to expand our service offerings, so we got a double benefit from using AlgoSec in our environment.” One of the major features of integrating AlgoSec into the Dimension Data solution is the ability to support multiple client domains from a single AlgoSec management console. “This scalable configuration has proven to be invaluable when managing multiple clients with complex multi-vendor, multi-device security environments,” says Schlatter. “It consolidates administrative tasks, cuts time and costs, and ensures proper administration and segregation of duties from our end.” AlgoSec enhances the Managed Security Services offerings by delivering comprehensive risk and compliance management. Dimension Data professionals can generate risk and audit-ready compliance reports in a fraction of the time and with much greater accuracy compared to traditional manual analysis. “Our clients who require ISO 27001 and PCI DSS accreditation have greatly benefitted from this,” said Schlatter. Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Cloud security configuration and policy management - AlgoSec

    Cloud security configuration and policy management E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • In the news | AlgoSec

    In the News Contact sales Filter by release year Select Year Manage firewall rules focused on applications 20 December 2023 Prof. Avishai Wool, CTO and Co-founder of AlgoSec: Innovation is key : Have the curiosity and the willingness to learn new things, the ability to ask questions and to not take things for granted 20 December 2023 Efficiently contain cyber risks 20 December 2023 The importance of IT compliance in the digital landscape 20 December 2023 Minimize security risks with micro-segmentation 20 December 2023

  • Our Values - AlgoSec

    Our Values E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • The firewall audit checklist: Six best practices for simplifying firewall compliance and risk mitigation - AlgoSec

    The firewall audit checklist: Six best practices for simplifying firewall compliance and risk mitigation E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

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