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  • Verizon | AlgoSec

    VERIZON HELPS CLIENTS IMPROVE SECURITY AND BUSINESS AGILITY USING ALGOSEC Organization Verizon Industry Telecom Headquarters NJ, USA Download case study Share Customer success stories "I selected AlgoSec’s Security Management Solution because the reporting is very trustworthy, it helps reduce the operational workload for network security administrators, and ultimately it improves performance and security." AlgoSec Business Impact Reduce the workload for the operations team and improve efficiency Provide comprehensive trustworthy reporting on change management Improve overall network performance and security Background Verizon is one of the world’s largest global communications companies and an international technology innovator. Verizon provides products and services related to networks, cloud, machine to machine and mobile technologies; data, hosting and storage; and managed security, as well as other wired and wireless offerings to business and government clients around the world. The company’s Global IP Network connects people and businesses in 2,700 cities and 150 countries. Challenge Verizon’s professional services consultants find that their clients too often focus on compliance to the detriment of security and operational issues. “From an auditing perspective, if the firewall is up and running some clients think they are more or less okay,” says Stefano Ciminelli, EMEA Practice Manager, Business Resiliency & Optimization at Verizon Business. Ciminelli warns that clients also need to be certain that “the firewall policies do not contain mistakes—those that could bring down their business. It’s not just a problem of protecting the IT systems, it’s really a matter of protecting the business,” he notes. Firewall management can also create tension between the network security group and business managers. “You always have the network security people focused on IT and the business people who like to focus on change management. Often these two groups don’t really communicate or understand each other easily,” Ciminelli adds.Moreover, many companies have several people devoted to managing firewalls and “firefighting,” “because they simply do not have the right tools,” says Ciminelli. Solution Ciminelli and his team at Verizon wanted to provide their clients with a way to address IT and security issues and, at the same time, automate change management workflows in order to support business continuity.“You want to be operationally efficient; you want to be secure; and especially, you want to help your business do their business. But, when it comes to network firewall management and analysis, you actually have few tools available that help you meet all those goals,” says Ciminelli. From the security manager’s perspective, AlgoSec’s Security Management Solution was the top choice. “The reporting is very trustworthy, it helps reduce the operational workload for network security administrators, and ultimately it improves performance and security,” Ciminelli states. “You can find a lot of vendors for security products in the market. But I don’t want to just sell products. I am entrusted to recommend quality services, so I rely on an extremely trustworthy partner like AlgoSec.” Results Ciminelli reports that when his customers invest in AlgoSec, “they are very happy because they can proactively manage their firewalls.” More importantly, though, “they are not forced to change a rule, close their eyes, cross their fingers and hope that everything is going to be okay.” Customers can trust AlgoSec’s reports to show how a rule change will affect access and their overall security before a change is made, and that there will be no surprises after the fact. The ability to share information between IT and business managers has also provided some unexpected benefits for Ciminelli. “When it comes to asking for additional budget, for instance, IT can now prove value and that makes life easier for everybody,” he notes. Customer service ranks high in Ciminelli’s priorities—and AlgoSec consistently delivers. “Whenever I have a problem I always get very efficient and proactive technical support from the AlgoSec team. This is one of the primary reasons I continue to advise my customers to purchase AlgoSec,” he says. Ciminelli urges his clients and other companies to think broadly about the real purpose of firewall policy management. “What you want is not just a well configured firewall, you want good long-term security management.” The goal is to have a firewall that provides excellent protection as the company grows, needs change, and applications are deployed, changed or decommissioned. Ciminelli’s final recommendation? “Using AlgoSec products and relying on good professional services to help you, that is really the smart choice.” Choose a better way to manage your network

  • AlgoSec Announces Support for Check Point R80 Security Management Platform

    AlgoSec Announces Support for Check Point R80 Security Management Platform Support for Check Point Enables Business-Driven Security Policy Management for Joint Customers 17 May 2016 Speak to one of our experts Chicago, IL (May 17, 2016) – AlgoSec , the market leader for Business-Driven Security Policy Management, today announced support for the Check Point R80 security management platform. Available today, this support ensures that joint customers who have deployed Check Point R80 can automate and orchestrate their network security policy management using the AlgoSec Security Management solution v6.9, to deliver business agility while ensuring security and compliance across their enterprises. AlgoSec will demonstrate support for Check Point R80 at Check Point Experience 2016, Chicago, May 16-18, 2016. Through its business-driven approach, the AlgoSec Security Management solution intelligently automates and orchestrates network security policy management, to make enterprises more agile, more secure and more compliant all the time. Through a single pane of glass users can auto-discover application connectivity requirements, proactively analyze risk from the business perspective, and rapidly plan and execute network security changes – all with zero-touch, and seamlessly orchestrated across cloud and on-premise enterprise environments. In addition to Check Point, AlgoSec seamlessly integrates with all leading brands of traditional and next-generation firewalls and cloud security controls, as well as routers, load balancers and web proxies, to deliver unified security policy management across any heterogeneous enterprise network. Key benefits of the AlgoSec Security Management solution include: Business Application Discovery & Connectivity Management: Automatically discover, provision, change and securely decommission business application connectivity. Zero-Touch Security Policy Change Management : Process security policy changes in minutes, not days. Security Policy Risk Mitigation : Instantly assess, prioritize and mitigate risks in firewall policies, and map them to their respective business applications. Firewall Policy Cleanup & Optimization : Identify and remove the bloat and clutter from the security policy through actionable reports. Firewall Auditing & Compliance : Automatically identify gaps in compliance, and instantly generate audit-ready reports for all major regulations including PCI, HIPAA, SOX, NERC and many others. Effective Network Segmentation : Easily define and enforce network segmentation throughout the enterprise network and across all leading firewall platforms. “As a long time Check Point partner, we take pride in our close collaboration which allows us to support Check Point innovations as soon as they hit the market,” said Edy Almer, VP product, AlgoSec. “Through our support for Check Point R80, joint customers can now take a business-centric approach to security policy management that ensures business agility and continuity together with a strong security and compliance posture.” About AlgoSec AlgoSec’s business-driven approach to security policy management enables enterprises and services providers to accelerate business application delivery, while ensuring security and compliance. Over 1,500 of the world’s leading organizations , including 20 of the Fortune 50, rely on AlgoSec to intelligently automate and orchestrate network security policy management across cloud and on-premise networks. Since its inception, AlgoSec has been committed to the success of each and every customer, and provides the industry’s only money-back guarantee .

  • NIST standards & cybersecurity framework explained | AlgoSec

    NIST standards & cybersecurity framework explained The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is a US government agency, under the Commerce Department, whose mission is to set several types of standards, including security standards. Some NIST data security standards include NIST 800-53, which offers security controls and privacy controls in the areas of application security, mobile, and cloud computing, and supply chain security, NIST 800-53/FI, which establishes standards to implement FISMA , NIST 800-30, which provides guidelines for conducting risk assessments, NIST 800-171, pertaining to the physical security of data centers, and ISO 27001 . White Paper Solution Overview Understanding the NIST Cybersecurity Framework One of the most widely used NIST security standard is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). This internationally recognized framework offers voluntary guidance, based on existing standards, guidelines, and practices for organizations to better manage and reduce cybersecurity risk. It provides companies with an easy-to-understand common language for talking about cybersecurity risk, no matter where they are on the org chart – from the server room to the board room. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework identifies five core functions: Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover The framework describes desired outcomes that are understandable by everyone, applies to any kind of risk management, defines the entire breath of cybersecurity, and spans both prevention and reaction. Webinar Infofraphic FAQ ABOUT NIST CYBERSECURITY STANDARDS Understanding NIST Cybersecurity Standards is a crucial part of your network security compliance posture. There are many international regulations that your organization needs to be compliant with, including HIPPA , PCI DSS , GDPR , NIST , ISO 27001, and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX). Do the NIST Cybersecurity Standards provide a checklist of what all organization should do? No. The framework provides guidance that should be customized by different organizations to best suit their unique risks, situations, and needs. Organizations have different risks, threats, vulnerabilities, and risk tolerance. They will also differ in how they implement the practices in the framework. It should not be implemented as an un-customized checklist or take a one-size-fits-all approach How does my firewall management help with NIST Standards and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework? NIST Special Publication 800-41 establishes guidelines for firewalls and firewall policies, which govern standards and best practices for firewall policy management. According to the guidelines, an organization’s firewall policies should be based on a comprehensive risk-assessment. Firewall policies should be based on blocking all inbound and outbound traffic (“Default Deny”), with exceptions made for desired traffic. Policies should consider the source and destination of the traffic, in addition to the content. Many types of IPv4 traffic, such as those with invalid or private addresses, should be blocked by default. Organizations also should have policies for handling incoming and outgoing IPv6 traffic. Organizations should also determine which applications may send traffic into and out of its network and make firewall policies to block traffic for other applications. According to the guidelines (5.2.2), “if multiple firewalls need to have the same rules or a common subset of rules, those rules should be synchronized across the firewalls. This is usually done in a vendor-specific fashion.” AlgoSec provides out-of-the-box regulatory compliance reports for NIST SP 800-41. What about NIST SP 800-53? NIST SP 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, relates to systems, including firewalls, that monitor and control at the external boundaries of the network and systems that connect to parts of the network. It provides extensive standards for firewall management. AlgoSec provides out-of-the-box regulatory compliance reports for NIST SP 800-53. Do NIST standards also relate to FISMA compliance? How AlgoSec Helps with NIST Standards? FISMA sets out guidelines for managing information security that must be followed for all information systems used or operated by a U.S. federal government agency in the executive or legislative branches, or by a contractor or other organization on behalf of a federal agency in those branches. By following NIST Cybersecurity Guidelines and NIST’s guidelines for firewalls and firewall policies, organizations get closer to FISMA compliance. AlgoSec helps identify traffic flows and associate it with the relevant business applications, and design firewall policies that work across your hybrid network, all with zero-touch automation to reduce the chances of manual misconfigurations. AlgoSec also helps manage and synchronize rules across the multi-vendor estate, so there is holistic and unified management across a network made up of multiple vendors. By using AlgoSec, organizations can be sure that their security management practices follow best practices such as NIST standards. AlgoSec automatically generates pre-populated, audit-ready compliance reports for leading industry regulations, including NIST SP 800-53, NIST SP 800-41, SOX, GLBA, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001— which helps reduce audit preparation efforts and costs. AlgoSec also uncovers gaps in organization’s compliance posture and proactively checks every change for compliance violations. AlgoSec also provides daily audit and compliance reporting across the entire heterogeneous network estate. What are some common regulations that customers must be compliance with? RESOURCES See how AlgoSec can help you meet NIST Cybersecurity Standards. Check out these resources. Firewall audit checklist for security policy rules review Read More Regulations and compliance for the data center – A Day in the Life Read Document Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Firewall management solution for network policy compliance

    Firewall management solution for network policy compliance Yes, AlgoSec supports continuous compliance monitoring. As organizations adapt their security policies to meet emerging threats and address new vulnerabilities, they must constantly verify these changes against the compliance frameworks they subscribe to. Can AlgoSec be used for continuous compliance monitoring? Select a size Which network Get the latest insights from the experts Use these six best practices to simplify compliance and risk mitigation with the AlgoSec White paper Learn how AlgoSec can help you pass PCI-DSS Audits and ensure Solution overview See how this customer improved compliance readiness and risk Case study Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Prevasio sandbox 'Detonates' containers in a safe virtual environment | AlgoSec

    Prevasio sandbox 'Detonates' containers in a safe virtual environment Prevasio Sandbox intercepts and inspects all network traffic generated by containers, including HTTPS traffic. SSL/TLS inspection is enabled with Prevasio’s MITM proxy certificate being dynamically injected into the virtual file system of the analysed container images. Currently, Prevasio Sandbox provides HTTPS interception for the 10 most common Linux distributions. The following example demonstrates an interception of HTTP and HTTPS traffic in a container spawned from a public Docker Hub image. Network traffic analysis Prevasio Sandbox scans container images for the presence of any vulnerable packages and libraries. For example, this ️ Docker Hub image contains critical vulnerabilities in 28 packages. Vulnerability scan Any x32/x64 ELF executable files created both during container image build phase and the runtime are scanned with Prevasio’s Machine Learing (ML) model. The ML model used by Prevasio relies on ELF file’s static characteristics, its entropy, and the sequence of its disassembled code. Here is an example of a malicious container image hosted️ at Docker Hub, that was picked up by Prevasio’s ML Classifier. Let’s see what happens if we recompile Mirai bot’s source code️ , by using custom domains for C2 (command-and-control) traffic. The Dockerfile with instructions to fetch, modify, and compile Mirai source code is available here️ . As you see in this example, the use of ML provides resistant detection, even if the malware was modified. ML classifier for malware Full static visibility of the container’s internals is not sufficient to tell if a container image in question is safe indeed. During the last stage of its analysis, Prevasio Sandbox simulates attackers’ actions, first trying to fingerprint services running within the analysed container, and then engaging exploits against them. In addition to that, the pen-test performs a brute-force attack against an identified service (such as SSH, FTP or SQL), in order to find weak credentials that would allow the attackers to log in. As the pen-test is performed in an isolated environment, it poses no risk to the production environment. The following example demonstrates how the automated pen-test has identified the type of MySQL server running inside a container spawned from this️ Docker Hub image, then successfully brute-forced it and found working credentials against it. Automated Pen-Test Prevasio collects kernel-level system events within a running container: File system events Network events Process lifecycle events Kernel syscalls User call events These events are then correlated into a hierarchy, visually displayed in the form of a force-directed graph. The graph allows to visually identify problematic containers and also quickly establish remote access points. Here is an example of an event graph generated for ️this Docker Hub image. Please note the geographic distribution of the bitcoin peer-to-peer nodes. System event graph Select a size Network traffic analysis Vulnerability scan ML classifier for malware Automated Pen-Test System event graph Get the latest insights from the experts A Guide to Upskilling Your Cloud Architects & Security Teams in 2023 Learn more Securing Cloud-Native Environments: Containerized Applications, Serverless Architectures, and Microservices Learn more Understanding and Preventing Kubernetes Attacks and Threats Learn more Choose a better way to manage your network

  • AlgoSec Cloud Services Security Practices - AlgoSec

    AlgoSec Cloud Services Security Practices E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Careers | algosec

    What you do Matters where your voice will always be heard and your opinion will always count Join our awsome team Our Values Teamwork and great work environment Customer satisfaction Excellence Accountability and execution Thorough decision-making process 4.5 500+ employees Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging Personal Coaching Mentoring Day in a life AlgoSec was selected as one of Israel’s best 50 High-Tech Companies to work for! We are passionate about People, Culture,​ Growth,​ Collaboration​ Our Vision: Secure Application Connectivity, Anywhere. 27 Location Worldwide

  • AlgoSec Announces Support for Privileged Access Management to Enhance Security Management and Reduce Network Attack Surface

    AlgoSec Announces Support for Privileged Access Management to Enhance Security Management and Reduce Network Attack Surface New version of Security Management Solution supports central control of access credentials, extends DevOps integrations, and optimizes security management processes 19 February 2019 Speak to one of our experts 19 February 2019 – AlgoSec , the leading provider of business-driven network security management solutions, has introduced the AlgoSec Security Management Solution version 2018.2. The new version features support for privileged access management solutions, enabling customers to further enhance their organization’s security management processes with centralized control of device credentials and privileged accounts. AlgoSec 2018.2 delivers seamless access to security devices protected by privileged access control solutions, with no need to duplicate or save those devices’ account access credentials externally. It also includes extended support for DevOps and enhanced support functions for a range of market-leading security controls, to accelerate automation of network security management while minimizing the organization’s attack surface. “With support for privileged access control solutions, customers can now take a business-centric approach to security policy management that ensures agility and continuity, while maintaining a strong security and compliance posture across all of their strategic assets and privileged accounts,” said Omer Ganot, Product Manager at AlgoSec. “The range of new features and enhancements in version 2018.2 further extends AlgoSec’s business-driven security management capabilities, which optimize agility, security and compliance across today’s hybrid enterprise networks.” Key new features introduced in AlgoSec version 2018.2 include: Support for CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution AlgoSec version 2018.2 gives access to security devices protected by CyberArk’s solution without duplicating or saving those devices’ access credentials, helping joint customers maintain centralized control of all privileged accounts and credentials. Enhanced support for Cisco, VMware, F5, Fortinet and Juniper devices Extended change management for Cisco Firepower devices controlled by the Firepower Management Center, giving full automation and end-to-end provisioning Extended change management support for VMWare NSX Distributed Firewalls, enabling rules to be automatically added, modified, disabled or removed from policies Seamless integration with Cisco Tetration , enabling automation of micro-segmentation projects; also reduces attack surface by combining endpoint and network security Extended support for F5’s BIG-IP Advanced Firewall Manager module Enhanced integration with FortiManager security policies, enabling fully automated management of related Fortinet firewalls managed by FortiManager Enhanced workflow automation for Juniper SRX firewalls New integrations with External Application Deployment Systems for DevOps DevOps can deploy new applications and manage their connectivity with new APIs for application, flow and object editing, and for user / role permission management. APIs are available for Ansible, Puppet and Chef Optimized user experience 2018.2 features a new, dedicated UI for troubleshooting results of traffic simulation queries, helping users to fine-tune their network maps and achieve automation faster The AlgoSec Security Management Solution version 2018.2 is generally available. About AlgoSec The leading provider of business-driven network security management solutions, AlgoSec helps the world’s largest organizations align security with their mission-critical business processes. With AlgoSec, users can discover, map and migrate business application connectivity, proactively analyze risk from the business perspective, tie cyber-attacks to business processes and intelligently automate network security changes with zero touch – across their cloud, SDN and on-premise networks. Over 1,800 enterprises , including 20 of the Fortune 50, utilize AlgoSec’s solutions to make their organizations more agile, more secure and more compliant – all the time. Since 2005, AlgoSec has shown its commitment to customer satisfaction with the industry’s only money-back guarantee. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners. *** Media Contacts: Tsippi Dach AlgoSec [email protected] Craig Coward Context Public Relations [email protected] +44 (0)1625 511 966

  • Firewall Analyzer | Network & App Visibility | AlgoSec

    Optimizing policy automation through effective object management Manage network objects across your on-prem and hybrid cloud estate Get a Demo Watch a video Bring order to a disorderly network. Easily automate changes to firewall and SDN objects from a central location saving time and labor Automate object changes Learn more Automatically discover and gain full visibility of all firewall and SDN objects in your network in one central repository. Complete visibility for network objects Learn more Reduce risk of outages and security breaches by identifying misaligned object definitions, duplicate objects and unattached objects. Reduce risk Learn more Complete visibility and management for network objects Object management is one important piece of a robust security policy. See how our full solution suitecompletes the picture. End-to-end security management Security policy you can see Firewall Analyzer Discover, identify, and map business applications across your entire hybrid network. Learn more AlgoSec Cloud Effortless cloud management Security management across the hybrid and multi-cloud estate. Learn more Watch the video "We are much secure since we have had this product" What they say about us Network security Engineer/architect Equip yourself with the technical details to discuss with your team and managers Ready for a deep dive? Learn more Got everything you need? Here’s how you get started How to buy Learn more Get the conversation started by sharing it with your team Solution brochure Learn more Here's how we secure our SaaS solution Cloud Security Get the latest insights from the experts Managing network objects in hybrid environments watch a video Bridging Network Security Gaps with Better Network Object Management Read an article Learn about the different sources for application connectivity discovery Read solution brochure Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Firewall compliance auditor | AlgoSec

    Firewall compliance auditor Get a Demo Watch a video Preparing your firewalls for a regulatory or internal audit is a tedious, time-consuming and error-prone process. Moreover, while an audit is typically a point-in-time exercise, most regulations require you to be in continuous compliance, which can be difficult to achieve since your rule bases are constantly changing. With thousands of rules and ACLs across many different security devices, and numerous changes every week, it’s no wonder that preparing for an audit manually has become virtually impossible. Simplify firewall audits and ensure continuous compliance AlgoSec does all the heavy lifting for you. It automatically identifies gaps in compliance, allows you to remediate them and instantly generates compliance reports that you can present to your auditors. In addition, all firewall rule changes are proactively checked for compliance violations before they are implemented, and the entire change approval process is automatically documented, enabling you to ensure continuous compliance across your organization better than any firewall auditing tool . With AlgoSec you can Instantly generate audit-ready reports for all major regulations, including PCI, HIPAA, SOX, NERC and many others Generate custom reports for internal compliance mandates Proactively check every change for compliance violations Make the necessary changes to remediate problems and ensure compliance Get a complete audit trail of all firewall changes and approval processes The Business Impact Reduce audit preparation efforts and costs by as much as 80% Proactively uncover gaps in your firewall compliance posture Remediate problems before an audit Ensure a state of continuous compliance Used by all “Big Four” auditing firms Resources Learn from the experts. Get the latest industry insights AlgoSec for GDPR Read Document SWIFT Compliance Read Document HKMA Compliance Read Document Top PCI Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them: The QSA’s Perspective Watch Webinar Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Business-driven Security Management For Local Governments - AlgoSec

    Business-driven Security Management For Local Governments E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Check Point and AlgoSec | AlgoSec

    AlgoSec & Check Point AlgoSec seamlessly integrates with Check Points NGFWs to automate application and user aware security policy management and ensure that Check Points’ devices are properly configured. AlgoSec supports the entire security policy management lifecycle — from application connectivity discovery, through ongoing management and compliance, to rule recertification and secure decommissioning. Solution brief Cloudguard datasheet How to Check Point Regulatory compliance Learn how to prepare your Check Point devices for a regulatory audit Check Point Risk Assessment Learn how assess risk on your Check Point devices with AlgoSec Mapping your Network Visualize your complex network, including your Check Point devices, with a dynamic network topology map See how Check Point Users Can Benefit from AlgoSec Choose a better way to manage your network

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