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  • Business-driven Security Management For The Federal Governments - AlgoSec

    Business-driven Security Management For The Federal Governments E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • 6 best practices to stay secure in the hybrid cloud - AlgoSec

    6 best practices to stay secure in the hybrid cloud E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Why Insurance Companies Need Network Security Policy Management | AlgoSec

    Why Insurance Companies Need Network Security Policy Management Insurance institutions face two major network security related challenges while working to serve their customers: the constant demand to improve in order to successfully compete in the market, and regulatory compliance. Yet, when it comes to security, the InfoSec team often uses slow, manual (and error prone) processes to make the necessary network security changes – thereby delaying the release of a new competitive application or feature to market. To overcome these challenges, insurance institutions must implement a network security policy management solution Opening In order to maintain a competitive advantage, information security teams at insurance companies must be able to support business transformation initiatives and deploy new applications or updated functionality to market quickly and securely. Most IT departments use automation tools to assist them with many aspects of their work – including managing software changes or provisioning storage. Automation allows them to support the fast pace required, ensure quality and maintain compliance with industry regulations. However, when it comes to security, oftentimes the InfoSec team still makes the necessary network security changes using manual processes. This is mostly due to the perceived complexity of the segmented network infrastructure; the large number of firewalls and network security devices (from multiple vendors) that are typically deployed across an insurance company’s network, as well as the extensive compliance requirements to which insurance companies are subjected. As a result, the InfoSec team is often perceived as a bottleneck to progress – holding back the release of a new competitive application or feature to market. This white paper discusses the challenges facing InfoSec teams today. It then explains how a network security management solution delivers critical automation that help transform the InfoSec team from a business inhibitor to a business enabler. Introduction Insurance companies face two key network security related challenges in their mission to serve their customers: regulatory compliance and a continual demand for changes in order to compete in the market. The number of regulations that insurance companies are required to uphold has significantly increased over the years. They include GLBA, GDPR, BASEL II, SOX, Dodd-Frank, PCI-DSS and many others. While these regulations aim to provide best practices that help both the insurance company and their customers, they require considerable effort to maintain, particularly with regards to network security. The second challenge that impacts network security, is the constant demand for changes. In recent years, the demand for innovation coupled with competition from agile and disruptive insurtech companies is putting considerable pressure on insurance companies. As a result, insurance companies are constantly seeking ways to improve the way they interact with their customers while becoming more efficient. This means that there is now an ever-present need for change in a typically conservative industry which has previously been slow and reluctant to embrace change! Managing network security changes efficiently and effectively across today’s complex network environments requires automation. Yet, while IT teams have embraced automation to handle many of their tasks, the InfoSec team has not. In the following section, we discuss ways to utilize automation to manage security changes and manage the ever-increasing demands of industry regulations. Network security challenges for insurance companies To tackle these challenges the InfoSec team need automation to effectively manage the demands of regulatory compliance as well as keep up with the volume of network security policy changes. Managing compliance with industry regulations As part of compliance requirements most regulations require full visibility into the security posture, regular audits, and documentation of any changes. Visibility of the security posture: The first step to achieving visibility is to identify all the applications that support customer transactions and manage customer information. The next step is to classify them based on the relevant regulations, such as PCI for applications that manage cardholder information. There are tools that can handle this process automatically, including the discovery process, which saves considerable time. Moreover, automation tools can help with documenting the entire environment, including the network security device configurations and security policies – which is a key part of regulatory compliance. In addition to supporting compliance requirements, this visibility and transparency exposes any gaps and risks in your network security, and thus helps to make your network secure. Streamlined audits: Whether internal or external, audits eat up considerable resources. The InfoSec team currently needs to spend significant time and effort generating reports that document their security posture and prove compliance with every regulation – time that could be better spent focusing on securing the network or responding to business requests. Automation can handle all these processes, and generate self-documenting, audit-ready reports out of the box. Documenting compliance: Most network security management solutions review all changes during design and deployment to ensure that they comply with the industry regulations. As part of this process they document and provide a full audit trail of the change, thereby automating the requirement for change documentation. Get a Demo Managing the constant barrage of change requests An automation solution is paramount for tackling the frequent change requests that are typically required in the insurance industry. An automation solution enables the InfoSec team to focus on the impact and risk of the change as well as ensure that all changes are necessary (typically around 30% of change requests are unnecessary). An automation solution must: Ensure that the network security policy change request will not breach the compliance posture Automatically map the network route for any planned changes and identify the firewall, routers and switches along that route that need to be changed Assess all the risks of a security change. These include regulatory compliance risks as well as internal risks Understand the details of each firewall rule change request and determine whether a change is really needed, whether a change to an existing rule will be sufficient or if there is a need to create a new rule as part of the change request. This process reduces the overall number of rules and helps optimize the security ruleset Be able to automatically deploy changes directly in firewalls Automated network security policy management Insurance companies are constantly seeking to better serve their customers and maintain a competitive edge through new technology innovations. Yet they often fall behind on delivering these new innovations into production. Their network and security operations team are hampered by manual and error-prone security change management processes coupled with the ever-increasing demands of industry regulations, which impact time-to-market. Automated network security management solutions help streamline the auditing process and ensure continuous compliance as well as significantly simplify and speed up the process of managing network security changes. Additional resources Network Security Policy Management Lifecycle PCI DSS: Automate Audits and Ensure Continuous Compliance Summary The leading provider of business-driven security management solutions, AlgoSec helps the world’s largest organizations align security with their business processes. With AlgoSec, users can discover, map and migrate business application connectivity, proactively analyze risk from the business perspective, tie cyber-attacks to business processes and intelligently automate network security changes with zero touch – across their cloud, SDN and on-premise networks. Over 1,500 enterprises, including 20 Fortune 50 companies, utilize AlgoSec’s solutions to make their organizations more agile, more secure and more compliant – all the time. Since its inception, AlgoSec has provided the industry’s only money-back guarantee. Request a demo Let's start your journey to our business-centric network security. About AlgoSec Select a size Opening Introduction Network security challenges for insurance companies Automated network security policy management Summary About AlgoSec Get the latest insights from the experts Choose a better way to manage your network

  • 7 Best Skybox Security Alternatives & Competitors for 2024 | AlgoSec

    7 Best Skybox Security Alternatives & Competitors for 2024 Skybox Security Suite bundles multiple cybersecurity solutions into a single package. The product is designed to mitigate cyber risk, reduce downtime, and leverage automation to improve operational security workflows. However, the product also comes with a few drawbacks . Its high pricing and complex implementation requirements can become obstacles to leveraging its security posture management platform effectively. Security leaders may be concerned with dedicating application security, endpoint security, and firewall management to Skybox. Fortunately the market offers many high quality Skybox alternatives worth considering. We’ve gone ahead and listed the 7 most competitive security solutions available to network administrators right now. 7 Best Skybox Security Alternatives & Competitors for 2024 SkyBox Security Suite is not one product, but a collection of security tools designed for different purposes. It includes two separate tools for vulnerability control and security policy management . Both these solutions are designed to work together in a variety of environments, from on-premises workstations running Microsoft Windows to multi-cloud environments with a variety of third-party software-as-a-service (SaaS) integrations enabled. Key features: The product helps security teams prioritize policy changes and risk management around the organization’s most valuable assets. It includes a complete patch management feature that proactively addresses known vulnerabilities, reducing the organization’s attack surface. Real-time analytics allow security professionals to conduct vulnerability assessment tasks with up-to-date data without performing time-consuming manual queries. Pros: SkyBox is compatible with a wide range of security tools and applications. It features built-in API connectivity for many of the tools enterprise customers are already using. Change request tracking makes it easy for security administrators to manage network security policy in response to detected vulnerabilities and conduct remediation tasks. It includes a comprehensive solution for managing firewall rules and comparing observed data with industry and compliance benchmarks. The platform integrates threat intelligence feeds directly, allowing security teams to detect emerging threats in real time. Cons: The cost of implementing SkyBox can be quite high compared to many other options. This is especially true for smaller organizations. SkyBox implementation can be difficult and time-consuming. Some organizations will need to onboard specialist talent to complete the project. SkyBox does not conduct accurate inventory and asset discovery on its own. Instead, it relies on organizations to feed this data to it. If this data is inaccurate, SkyBox performance will suffer. Is SkyBox Security Suite the right network security management platform for you? AlgoSec Tufin FireMon Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall RedSeal Cisco Defense Orchestrator Tenable Vulnerability Management 7 Best Skybox Security competitors on the market right now: AlgoSec provides organizations with an end-to-end solution for monitoring, analyzing, and enforcing network security policies. It supports on-premises, hybrid, and cloud security architectures, making it a versatile and powerful choice for many organizations. The product’s core workflow revolves around effective change management for security policies , giving security teams clear information on how well their fleet of firewalls and other security tools perform over time. Key features: AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer maps out business applications and assets throughout the network. It provides a comprehensive inventory of network assets and provides detailed reports on their security status. AlgoSec FireFlow brings automation to security policy management . Security leaders can use the platform to gain visibility into network traffic and make automatic changes in response to detected risks in real-time. AlgoSec CloudFlow enables network administrators to provision, configure, and manage cloud infrastructure efficiently. It provides a coherent policy management platform for enhancing cloud security . Pros: Comprehensive network mapping gives AlgoSec a significant advantage over SkyBox, taking the guesswork out of building reliable asset inventories. The product supports query simulation, which allows security teams to simulate security configurations and “what-if” scenarios before committing them to production environments. The security platform supports firewall policy auditing and reporting according to compliance goals, including regulatory frameworks like ISO 27001, NIST 800-53, and others. Cons: The platform’s dashboards do not support extensive customization. Some users will find it difficult to create compelling visualizations and communicate results to key stakeholders. Some user reviews indicate slower rollout times for security patches and hotfixes. 1. AlgoSec Tufin Orchestration Suite is a network security management software that aims to simplify and automate the complex tasks of firewall, router, and VPN policy management. It also provides compliance checks and reporting capabilities through its API. Tufin Orchestration Suite integrates with various network devices and security platforms, such as Cisco, Check Point, Palo Alto Networks, and more. Key features: It enables users to visualize and analyze the network topology, traffic flows, and security risks across the hybrid environment. It allows users to manage firewall, router, and VPN policies in a centralized and consistent manner, using a graphical interface or the API. It supports change management workflows, audit trails, and approval processes to ensure compliance with internal and external regulations and standards. It generates comprehensive and customizable reports on network security posture, policy changes, compliance status, and violations. Pros: Tufin Orchestration Suite offers a comprehensive and holistic solution for network security management, covering both on-premise and cloud environments. It reduces the manual effort and human errors involved in policy management and improves the efficiency and accuracy of network operations. It enhances visibility and control over network security tools and helps users identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities and threats. It facilitates compliance with various frameworks and regulations, such as PCI DSS, NIST, ISO, and more. Cons: Tufin Orchestration Suite has a steep learning curve and requires a lot of training and expertise to use effectively. It has a slow and outdated user interface, which can be frustrating and confusing for users. It lacks customization and flexibility options. Tufin does not support some advanced features and functions that other competitors offer. 2. Tufin FireMon is a security policy management platform that aims to simplify and automate the process of creating, enforcing, and auditing security policies across diverse and distributed networks. The product is a comprehensive solution that covers the entire lifecycle of security policy management, from design and implementation to monitoring and optimization. Key features: Distributed alarm and response helps users respond quickly and proactively to potential threats and to enforce security policies consistently across the network. FireMon’s multi-vendor approach helps organizations avoid vendor lock-in. The solution supports integration with a wide variety of firewalls, routers, switches, as well as cloud services and web applications. Security teams can use FireMon to provision and manage security policies for cloud environments. The platform automatically discovers and maps cloud resources, enabling administrators to create and enforce security policies accordingly. Pros: FireMon provides real-time reporting tools that allow users to monitor and audit their firewall policies across multiple vendors and platforms. It supports cloud provisioning and automation, enabling users to manage security policies in hybrid environments with ease and efficiency. It offers comprehensive multi-vendor support, covering most of the market’s recognizable firewall, router, and switch manufacturers. Cons: FireMon‘s risk detection algorithm is not very accurate and may produce false positives or overlook critical vulnerabilities It has a complex and cumbersome report customization process, which requires a lot of manual work and technical knowledge. It is an expensive product, compared to other alternatives in the market, and does not include some features that are expected at its price range. 3. FireMon Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) is a security solution that monitors and protects networks from unauthorized access and cyberattacks . It includes a network-based firewall designed specifically for protecting databases along with a comprehensive auditing and policy control solution. It provides enterprise-level security and automation to security leaders who need Key features: Oracle AVDF enables detailed security and vulnerability assessments designed to identify and prioritize database vulnerabilities. Oracle’s full-featured assessment capabilities include complete asset discovery, compliance mappings, and risk level categories. Full enterprise support ensures Oracle customers can integrate Oracle AVDF with most operating systems and enterprise tech stacks. It supports Microsoft Active Directory and OpenLDAP for centralized user management, and generates log data suitable for SIEM analysis. Pros: Intuitive interface and detailed error messages help users understand exactly what is happening on their network at all times. Extensive and customizable audit support tools designed to meet regulatory standards for internal and external audit requirements. Flexible suite of security products and compatibility. Oracle provides a wide range of network security resources to customers. Cons: This is an expensive product that does not always scale well. Organizations that need to cover multiple targets may end up paying much more than they would with a competing solution. Setting up and implementing Oracle AVDF is a complex process. Professional guidance from an experienced specialist is highly recommended. 4. Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall RedSeal provides security risk management solutions to its customers. Its solution collects data from endpoints and network devices and examines that data in real-time. This lets network administrators do vulnerability assessments and endpoint security audits when they need to, helping security service providers stay ahead of evolving threats. Key features: RedSeal’s security platform focuses on analytics and visualization. It enables network administrators to easily assess the organization’s overall risk level and identify weak points before attackers can take advantage of them. RedSeal’s data visualization features let security leaders determine where future security spending should go. The platform is built to simplify risk prioritization while allowing key stakeholders to convey cyber risk effectively. Pros: RedSeal caters to enterprise users who want to see their networks clearly with little technical setup. As a high-level reporting tool, it enables API integration with various third-party services without overwhelming users with irrelevant details. The product collects data about how your network is set up, including the devices that control your traffic flow, such as firewalls, switches, routers, and load balancers. Cons: RedSeal‘s subscription fee depends on how many layer 3 and layer 2 devices are on the network, which can lead to high implementation costs. Unlike other solutions that have strong communities around open source security solutions, RedSeal has very little community presence. Beyond technical documentation and support, the company offers very little to new customers. The platform is primarily a mapping and analytics tool. It does feature enhanced security policy management capabilities. 5. RedSeal Cisco Defense Orchestrator is a cloud-based service that helps security teams manage firewall rules and policies across multiple cloud networks. It offers complete asset discovery and visibility for cloud infrastructure, and network administrators can use it to control security settings and evaluate their exposure to security risks. However, it only works with Cisco products and hardware. Key features: Cisco Defense Orchestrator offers a single unified view for managing and setting up Cisco security devices throughout the network. The cloud-delivered product is fast and easy to deploy. It uses a cloud-based SaaS format to enable scalability, making it a good choice for growing organizations. The solution enables security teams to implement policies on Cisco security devices and demonstrate that those policies align with widely-used compliance frameworks like NIST, PCI-DSS, and others. Pros: Administrators can conveniently control the organization’s security devices and other network assets from one place. Cisco’s cloud-based delivery model is cost-effective and adaptable, while still being feature-rich enough to improve security for enterprise-level organizations and smaller businesses alike. Visibility is integral to the software package. It gives security teams the ability to discover network assets and detect vulnerabilities before they become critical threats. Cons: Implementing Cisco Defense Orchestrator may be too expensive for some organizations. This network security management tool only works with Cisco products. If your organization has to replace its current devices with firewalls, switches, and routers from Cisco, it will increase the cost of using this solution significantly. 6. Cisco Defense Orchestrator Tenable Vulnerability Management is a software suite that offers ongoing vulnerability evaluation and risk management services to organizations. It uses Tenable Nessus, the company’s main vulnerability assessment solution, to help organizations discover and fix security weaknesses in their environment and protect cloud infrastructure from cyberattacks. Key features: Tenable provides built-in prioritization and threat intelligence for discovered vulnerabilities. The solution gives real-time feedback on the organization’s risk exposure. Unlike Nessus, Tenable Vulnerability Management uses a web application format, making it accessible to network security professionals without requiring additional configuration or setup. Pros: Tenable finds and evaluates assets based on their risk level in real-time. Network administrators can monitor threats as they evolve over time, even in complicated networks that use cloud services and have hybrid workers. The product helps security teams create and enforce security policies that address current threats. It includes wide-ranging coverage of emerging indicators of compromise and ranks them according to their severity. Cons: Implementing and configuring Tenable can require the involvement of several key stakeholders, and any problems can slow down the process. Tenable’s support often takes a lot of time to provide expert help, which leaves their customers vulnerable to potential risks while they wait. 7. Tenable Vulnerability Management Select a size 7 Best Skybox Security Alternatives & Competitors for 2024 Is SkyBox Security Suite the right network security management platform for you? 7 Best Skybox Security competitors on the market right now: 1. AlgoSec 2. Tufin 3. FireMon 4. Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall 5. RedSeal 6. Cisco Defense Orchestrator 7. Tenable Vulnerability Management Get the latest insights from the experts Use these six best practices to simplify compliance and risk mitigation with the AlgoSec White paper Learn how AlgoSec can help you pass PCI-DSS Audits and ensure continuous compliance Solution overview See how this customer improved compliance readiness and risk Case study Choose a better way to manage your network

  • THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation - AlgoSec

    THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Executive Brochure – Secure application connectivity anywhere - AlgoSec

    Executive Brochure – Secure application connectivity anywhere E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Challenges in Managing Security in Native, Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environments - AlgoSec

    Challenges in Managing Security in Native, Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environments E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Application-centric vulnerability management | AlgoSec

    Application-centric vulnerability management Yes, AlgoSec supports continuous compliance monitoring. As organizations adapt their security policies to meet emerging threats and address new vulnerabilities, they must constantly verify these changes against the compliance frameworks they subscribe to. ​ Can AlgoSec be used for continuous compliance monitoring? Select a size Which network Get the latest insights from the experts Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Optimizing DevOps: Enhanced release quality and faster time-to-market

    Optimizing DevOps: Enhanced release quality and faster time-to-market Proactively Identify risks early in the development processes, perform connectivity status checks, and automatically implement connectivity changes if needed. DevOps methodology revolutionizes the speed of bringing business applications to market, allowing organizations to be more agile and keep up with the demands. At the same time, the traditional approach of addressing security concerns late in the development process causes delays and additional burdens for DevOps teams. To bridge this gap, it is essential to incorporate security into the DevOps workflow from the beginning. By integrating security into the development lifecycle, you can take a proactive and efficient approach to prevent delays and mitigate security risks. This approach enables DevOps teams to prioritize fast and high-quality application delivery while maintaining a strong focus on security. What is DevOps security management? Delays in development and deployment due to security reviews and code fixes. Connectivity issues lead to extended troubleshooting and deployment delays. Challenges in meeting compliance requirements in fast-paced DevOps environments. Supply chain malware and vulnerabilities entering production. Key pain points in securing your CI/CD pipeline By Integrating the AlgoSec platform into your current DevOps tools, you can effectively facilitate the complete DevOps lifecycle and synchronize security measures with build, QA, and deployment procedures. This collaborative integration from the outset strengthens security and compliance, effectively eliminating delays in security fixes. By giving priority to security, you establish trust with stakeholders and regulatory bodies, ultimately reducing time-to-market and driving operational excellence. Streamlined security, compliance, and faster deployments AlgoSec’s IaC (Infrastructure as Code) connectivity risk analysis helps DevOps teams accelerate application delivery and optimize security. Developers can proactively check for vulnerabilities using this powerful capability before pushing code to a repository. By using source control apps, you can eliminate manual security reviews and empower your team to respond quickly by following clear remediation steps. Improve security, enhance efficiency, and achieve DevOps excellence by utilizing IaC connectivity risk analysis. Speeds up application delivery without compromising security The seamless integration between AlgoSec and Chef, Puppet, and Ansible enables application developers to easily define network connectivity. Application connectivity requirements can be conveniently specified in a straightforward file without diving into network infrastructure details, offering numerous advantages by describing them as logical flows. By translating these requirements into firewall rules, AlgoSec’s solution streamlines development and reduces delivery costs. With zero-touch, easily update connectivity requirements. Empower your DevOps workflow with seamless connectivity integration AlgoSec threat management scan & secure your containers in real-time, blocks risky connections, malware, and vulnerabilities while empowering you to customize control through block/allowlists and set automated mitigation based on defined risk levels, all seamlessly integrated with GitHub and AWS ECR pipelines. Lock down container security with smart threat management Reduce the cost of delivery AlgoSec helps streamline application connectivity security, preventing delays caused by security fixes and reducing delivery costs. Improved release quality By proactively identifying risks early in the development process and performing connectivity status checks, AlgoSec enhances security and compliance, leading to higher-quality releases. Accelerated release cycles AlgoSec’s integration with DevOps tools supports the entire lifecycle, allowing for faster deployments while ensuring security and compliance. Key benefits of using AlgoSec Select a size What is DevOps security management? Key pain points in securing your CI/CD pipeline Streamlined security, compliance, and faster deployments Speeds up application delivery without compromising security Empower your DevOps workflow with seamless connectivity integration Lock down container security with smart threat management Key benefits of using AlgoSec Get the latest insights from the experts DevOpsifying Network Security Watch video Integrate Security Into DevOps for Faster, Safer Application Delivery Into Production Read document Best Practices for Incorporating Security Automation into the DevOps Lifecycle Watch video Choose a better way to manage your network

  • SWIFT Compliance - AlgoSec

    SWIFT Compliance E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

  • Enterprise hybrid network management solutions - AlgoSec

    Enterprise hybrid network management solutions E-BOOK Download PDF Choose a better way to manage your network

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