From chaos to control - overcoming 5 challenges of network object management

May 24, 2023
Kfir Tabak
Product Manager
Learn how to master network object management

Join our free webinar on conquering 5 common network object management obstacles! Learn practical tips and strategies to simplify your network management process and boost efficiency. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve your network performance and minimize headaches.

Relevant Resources

How to Manage Dynamic Objects in Cloud Environments

How to Structure Network Objects to Plan for Future Policy Growth

In this lesson, Prof. Wool explains how to create templates for different types of services and network access which can be reused by multiple servers in your data center.

Synchronized Object Management in a Multi-Vendor Environment

Many organizations have different types of firewalls from multiple vendors, which typically means there is no single source for naming and managing network objects. This ends up creating duplication, confusion, mistakes and network connectivity problems especially when a new change request is generated and you need to know which network object to refer to. In this lesson Profession Wool provides tips and best practices for how to synchronize network objects in a multi-vendor environment for both legacy scenarios, and greenfield scenarios.